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HomeCrypto NewsGolden Helix Review - Must Read !! (December 2024)

Golden Helix Review – Must Read !! (December 2024)


The human genome is one of the most exciting things in our body. It holds the eternal mystery of the universe within us. Many unanswered questions within our human body can only be answered when we fully decode the mystery of DNA. Golden Helix does this job. Golden Helix unveils the unanswered mysteries by decoding DNA. 

This blog deep-dives into Golden Helix’s complex workflows and products. It will also discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Keep reading to learn more about Golden Helix. 

Golden Helix products 

Golden Helix has quite a few products for precision medicine creation. One of its other products is software designed for precisely decoding next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, which allows scientists to decode vast amounts of genetic data. 


It is an analytical tool made explicitly for biologists and other researchers to perform complex, accessible analyses and visualizations of genomic and phenotypic data. Variant calling is a feature that identifies and pinpoints individual’s an individual’s DNA compared to a reference genome. 

Filtering allows researchers to focus on specific convenient variants for them or their regions of interest. Annotation enriches the identified variants with additional relatable information about their potential impact. Visualization represents a graphical representation of data, aiding the interpretation & communication of results. 

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It is a very concise software solution for tertiary analysis. With VarSeq, you can automate your workflows and analyze variants for gene panels, exomes, and whole genomes. 

It offers an intuitive interface for annotation and filtering engines to shift through large variant data sets. 

Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!

After you import all your data, you can easily add annotations with the help of pre-configured settings & you can even add additional annotations. The genome browser is a built-in configuration in VarSeq, so you can easily verify the coverage across your amplicon. 


VarSeq Dx is VarSeq’s flagship software. VarSeq has a CE mark to meet the European In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR). VarSeq Dx does cancer diagnostics with supported gene panel testing and whole exome and genome analysis. Because it is crucial to understand the hereditary analysis to decode genetics, VarSeq Dx helps clinical laboratories complete the time-critical & workflows for gene testing and rare disease diagnosis, individuals’ pathogenic risk by analyzing their careers. 


The VSClinical-guided workflow allows ACMG and AMP to identify and classify causal variants for inherited disease risk, cancer predisposition, and diagnosis of rarer diseases. They are also used to perform targeted cancer gene panel tests popular in molecular pathology labs to report significant biomarkers. 


Copy number variants (CNV) are often required if you are looking for clinical geneticHelix’sg. Golden Helix’s CNV calling algorithm operates on an existing clinical NGS gene panel and exome and whole genome NGS data. 

Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!


The PGx variant detection and recommendation algorithm identifies pharmacogenomic diplotypes and annotates them with drug recommendations. It can even be used for structural variations. 

VS Pipeline 

The VS pipeline has repeatable clinical workflows essential for CLIA and CAP-certified analysis. It creates high-throughput pipelines and has access to daily updated curated annotation sources. 

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VS Reports 

With VS reports, you can easily convert the output of your tertiary analysis into a customized clinical report and filter it out as you please. With this process, you will be able to do all the following – description of gene function from OMIM, HGS variant names, exon numbers, sequence ontology, overall test interpretation, coverage information, pathogenicity variants based on your past variant assessments, or Clinvar, HGVS variant names, variant interpretations provided by the user. 

VS warehouse 

The number of clinical reports and patient data increases every day. Organizing and storing everything in one place requires a lot of work. That is where Golden Helix comes in handy. VarSeq software has made VS warehouse, which has tons of storage space to organize and store immense amounts of data. 

Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!Golden Helix Review - Must Read !!

Strength of Golden Helix

It has impacted the field of genetics by incorporating bioinformatics into Genetics. 

  1. It has streamlined workflows to save valuable time and allows researchers to analyze large amounts of data simultaneously. 
  2. The software workflow saves researchers valuable time & allows them to analyze large datasets efficiently. 
  3. The free genome browse tool makes NGS data visualization accessible to researchers with limited resources. 
  4. This software helps translate research data into actionable insights. 
  5. This has a very user-friendly interface, which broadens the software usage for people outside of bioinformatics.

Weaknesses of Golden Helix

  1. Cost is one of the main factors when choosing any software. It can be expensive, making it less accessible for smaller labs or research groups with limited budgets. 
  2. While being a user-friendly software, some of the advanced features require specialized training or bioinformatics expertise. 
  3.  Integrating it with other software might be challenging. 
  4. It might not be as adaptable as other open available software tools. 

Golden Helix Review – Pricing

Golden Helix usually offers pricing at the end of the year. Here you go – 

VarSeq clinical reporting provides a price range of $14995, Warehouse offers $35995, CNV calling offers $6995, and SNP & variation suite provides premium annotations to $4250. 

Future of Golden Helix

  1. As new sequencing technologies emerge, Golden Helix will also adapt its tools to accommodate them. 
  2. Incorporating AI into their system is one of the most critical factors for any bioinformatics software. AI will increase the amount of data analyzed in Golden Helix. 
  3. Golden Helix will refine its ability to predict the functional impact of variants. 


Golden Helix empowers many research labs and scientists to do their research seamlessly. But you must understand whether this tool is perfect for you or not. Remember that having a budget is a must if you are going for Golden Helix; if you are tight, you should opt for some other tools. Make a wise choice. 

Golden Helix Review: Frequently Asked Questions

Is Genome Browse free?

Yes, the only free feature from Golden Helix


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