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Trump elige al gestor de fondos de cobertura Scott Bessent como secretario del Tesoro

El presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump nombró al gestor de fondos de cobertura Scott Bessent, un entusiasta de las criptodivisas, como su...

Trump escolhe o gestor de fundos de hedge pró-criptomoedas Scott Bessent para secretário do Tesouro

O presidente eleito dos EUA, Donald Trump, nomeou o gestor de fundos de hedge Scott Bessent, um entusiasta de Criptomoeda , como sua escolha...

Trump choisit Scott Bessent, gestionnaire de fonds spéculatifs pro-crypto, pour le poste de secrétaire au Trésor

Le président élu des États-Unis, Donald Trump, a nommé le gestionnaire de fonds spéculatifs Scott Bessent, un passionné de Cryptomonnaie , comme son choix...

Trump Taps Pro-Crypto Hedge Fund Manager Scott Bessent for Treasury Secretary Role

President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Scott Bessent, a seasoned hedge fund manager and outspoken cryptocurrency advocate, as his choice for Treasury Secretary. If confirmed...

Bessent Crypto Profile: Time for the Crypto Industry to Get Excited About Nomination of Scott Bessent?

Donald Trump’s nomination of Scott Bessent as the United States Secretary of the Treasury has sparked optimism within the cryptocurrency industry. Bessent, a prominent...

Trump Plans to Name Pro-Crypto Hedge Fund Manager Scott Bessent as Treasury Secretary

"I have been excited about embrace of crypto and I think it fits very well with the Republican Party, the ethos of it....

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